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RE-ENGAGE workshop in Tirana

What has RE-ENGAGE been up to during its first 6 months?

News 1 min read 2024-06-14

The RE-ENGAGE consortium, consisting of 12 partners, gathered for a workshop in Tirana in early June to kickstart planning the upcoming year’s fieldwork and discussing our next papers.

The initial papers focus on key concepts like democracy, trust, resilience, and the relationship between theory and method, which serve as a foundation for our further studies in the Western Balkans and the Eastern Neighbourhood.

The RE-ENGAGE team will conduct interviews, focus groups, and surveys to gather local perspectives on EU interventions and external influences, and investigate the impact of the war in Ukraine and increased geopolitical tensions on regional stability and political dynamics.

The fieldwork will culminate in policy recommendations to strengthen EU foreign policy and a democracy training framework specifically designed to address the challenges of hybrid regimes. The primary objective is to inform and refine EU policies to enhance democratic resilience and stability in these regions.

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